If you had asked me if I knew right away that Brett was going to be my husband, I would have said no. He wasn’t my type: tall, blonde hair, blue eyes. Brett was average height, light brown hair, and hazel eyes. My brother-in-law, Mark, spent 15 minutes trying to locate him because he was so adamant that I meet this guy.
Where I met Brett isn’t your usual meeting place for a social introduction. I met Brett at Camp Johnson where he was going through pre-mobilization for his deployment with Mark to Iraq...
In the next month that followed, my brother-in-law spoke to me about Brett and had asked me to send him some type of care package. His excuse was that he felt bad for the guy, and that he only got mail from his mother. I explained to Mark that I would do it, but was doing it to be friendly and supportive for one of his friends. Mark said it was just a morale booster and would brighten Brett’s day. It just so happened to be February when I put together a care package. I made some brownies, put in some gourmet cookies, found a couple guy magazines and sent them to Brett.
By the time I had gotten all of this ready for Brett, I had received an e-mail from him. My brother-in-law had given him my e-mail address. The link between Brett and I was Mark. He was determined to get us talking. I e-mailed back, small chat, but it was good small chat. It sparked my interest.
Then something happened that changed both of our lives. We lost a good friend to both of us, in combat in Iraq, 1st Lt. Mark Dooley... Click here to read the full story...
What a lovely story!